South Little League Code of Conduct for Coaches, Players and Spectators
South Little League expects everyone at our complex or representing South Little League to conduct themselves appropriately which includes respecting Little League Officials, Umpires, Managers/Coaches, players and spectators. This includes but not limited to no profanity, drugs/alcohol, throwing of equipment (personal or league owned), inappropriate comments, and other disruptive behavior. All participants are expected to respect the posted rules at South Little League (or other Little League Complexes). Please remember this is a game and children are watching our actions. Everyone should practice good sportsmanship and teamwork.
Manager, Coach, Parent/Guardian, and Spectator Code of Conduct
Any manager, coach, parent/guardian, or spectator ejected from a game by an umpire or League Official shall immediately leave the complex. If the ejected party has a child participating, he/she can remain in their vehicle until their child finishes play providing they do not cause any further disruption. In the event that the disruption continues, the ejected party must leave the complex immediately including the parking lots. (If the ejected party is the sole responsible persons for any player or spectator, those persons should accompany the ejected party) That person(s) shall be suspended for the remainder of the current game and the next played game. If a manager, coach, parent/guardian, or spectator is ejected for a second time in the season, that person shall be suspended for the remainder of the season including tournaments and All-Stars.
Players Code of Conduct
Any player who is acting in any way that is disruptive while at South Little League or while representing South Little League at another complex, may be given a warning by the coach/manager/umpire/Little League official. The player is expected to correct the action immediately and going forward. In the event another warning is issued, the player is suspended from the current and following played game. If any other violations occur within the season (3rd occurrence) that player is suspended for the remainder of the season including tournaments and All-Stars. An umpire may choose to eject the player during any game. In this event, the player is suspended for the remainder of that game and the next played game. Any player ejected from the game must leave the field and complex with their parent/guardian. If no parent is present, the player must go to the concession stand or other designated area by the Board Official to await the arrival of a parent/guardian. In the event the player is ejected for a second time within a season, that player is suspended for the remainder of the season including tournaments and All-Stars.
The exception to any of these rules is any deliberate negative physical contact or harm towards any other persons by ANYONE, whether warning has occurred or not, including but not limited to other players, coaches/managers, little league officials, umpires, and spectators. The individual is to immediately leave the complex and is suspended from the current and next played game. In the event this occurs, the Executive Board of Directors will determine further appropriate consequences which could include immediate suspension for the remainder of the season including tournaments and All-Stars.
The South Little League Board of Directors reserves the right to review and determine appropriate consequences on any incidents.
South Little League
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